Composer Packages

# Get a Composer package

To retrieve information about a Composer package, create a GET request to /v1/package/<package-name>.


The following optional query string parameters are supported:

Parameter Description
include Set to releases to include all known release information in the response.
minStability The minimum stability to allow when determining which releases’ information should be included in the response. Can be set to dev, alpha, beta, RC, or stable. (Default is stable.)
constraint The version constraint to use when determining which releases’ information should be included in the response (e.g. ^2.0.0).



Example Request

Example Response Body

  "name": "craftcms/cms",
  "type": "library",
  "repository": "",
  "managed": true,
  "abandoned": false,
  "replacementPackage": null,
  "latestRelease": {
    "sha": "2fc56f0bcd70a1ae67e9338512e053b896f4a47e",
    "version": "3.4.15",
    "time": "2020-04-09 17:45:41"